Online vs Traditional classes

HCC, like most colleges, offers online and traditional class options. It can be difficult to decide which learning path best fits a student’s needs since both offer different benefits. When these benefits are not measured a student might not pass a class because the learning process does not fit them correctly.

Online classes tend to be more self-paced with broader due dates set to make sure assignments are completed in a well-paced manner. This gives students with work or children the ability to adapt their education without compromising any prior commitments. This also gives students the option to take classes during summer but still have the freedom to travel, but still gain an education at the same time. This is also an easy way to tack on an extra class added to the traditional classroom setting to finish a degree faster.

On the other hand, online classes have their downsides as well. Some are heavy in reading and watching videos which can get boring and hard to work through at times. This also makes people limited to the information they can use to study if a topic is not understood. Professors can be hard to get a hold over email or canvas and sometimes office hours are at inconvenient times for those who work. It is also possible to have a class that requires students to come on campus to take exams which can mess with one’s work schedule.

“I’m not a big fan of computers; I prefer traditional classes with traditional teaching styles. I love pen and paper and I feel like I genuinely gain the knowledge that’s being fed to me,” HCC student Julian Bolta said. 

A traditional classroom setting may be better for hands-on learners. They allow the student to ask questions in real-time with no delay and help them gain further knowledge directly from the professor rather than reading it on canvas. Face-to-face classes also allow due dates to be adjusted if a topic isn’t understood. It also allows for other teaching methods to be implemented rather than just reading a textbook and watching videos. Traditional classrooms give students easier access to other students to make study groups with or to ask questions.

Also, traditional classrooms can be too quick or slow-paced for some learners. It could also be heavy in lectures and work that is hard to follow. Other people in the classroom can be distracting and cause topics to be missed or the professor could miss a day causing more lost time.

Ultimately, which style is better depends on the student’s needs; HCC offers diverse ways of learning that may affect students differently.